Exploring the Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy

The Unseen Cosmos 🌌
The Unseen Cosmos 🌌
So, there's this thing called dark matter and another called dark energy, and guess what? They're like the undercover bosses of the universe, making up a whopping 95% of all the stuff out there. Crazy, right? 🀯
The Sneaky Side of the Cosmos 🌌
The Sneaky Side of the Cosmos 🌌
So, dark matter's a bit like a cosmic ninja – totally stealthy since it doesn't give off, soak up, or bounce back any light. We can only spot it 'cause of the gravity tricks it pulls!
Spotting the Invisible Stuff
Spotting the Invisible Stuff
Experts kinda play cosmic detectives πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ to figure out where dark matter's hiding, based on how galaxies spin super fast and how gravity bends light in space.
Mysteries of Dark Energy 🌌
Mysteries of Dark Energy 🌌
So, dark energy's super weird, right? It's pushing the universe to stretch out faster and faster, even though all the stuff in it should be pulling together. Go figure! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Mysterious Push-Pull 🌌
Mysterious Push-Pull 🌌
Dark energy's got this weird repelling vibe that kinda throws a wrench into what we thought we knew about gravity and the whole universe!
Mysterious Particle Gang πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ
Mysterious Particle Gang πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ
So, we've got these theoretical particles, you know, WIMPs and axions? They might be the dark matter we're looking for, but catch this – no one's spotted them yet! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
The Universe's Cosmic Network πŸ•ΈοΈ
The Universe's Cosmic Network πŸ•ΈοΈ
So, dark matter is kinda like the universe's backstage crew, weaving this huge web that shapes everything. And guess what? Galaxies pop up like epic cosmic meetups right where those web strands cross. 🌌✨
Dark Matter Sound πŸ’«
Dark Matter Sound πŸ’«
Did you know? The early universe's dark matter created actual sound waves, making cosmic 'music' detectable through ripples in the cosmic microwave background!
Learn.xyz Mascot
What constitutes most of the universe's mass?
Normal matter and energy
Dark matter and dark energy
Galaxies and stars