Exploring the Dark Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Cosmic Mystery Ingredients
Cosmic Mystery Ingredients
Dark matter and dark energy together comprise about 95% of the universe. These unseen forces shape cosmic structures and accelerate the universe's expansion, yet their true nature remains elusive.
Dark Matter Unseen Influence
Dark Matter Unseen Influence
Unlike ordinary matter, dark matter does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible and detectable only through its gravitational effects on stars and galaxies.
Galactic Rotation Puzzles
Galactic Rotation Puzzles
Galaxies spin at such speeds that without the presence of dark matter's extra gravity, they would tear themselves apart. Dark matter acts as a cosmic glue.
Dark Energy's Repulsive Power
Dark Energy's Repulsive Power
Dark energy works opposite to gravity, repelling rather than attracting. It's believed to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe observed since the 1990s.
Vacuum Fluctuations Hypothesis
Vacuum Fluctuations Hypothesis
One theory suggests dark energy might be a property of space itself, arising from 'vacuum fluctuations' as described by quantum physics, challenging our understanding of the vacuum.
Dynamic Dark Energy
Dynamic Dark Energy
Unlike the constant dark energy density, some models propose that dark energy's strength changes over time, which could drastically alter predictions for the future of the universe.
Dark Sector Experiments
Dark Sector Experiments
Ambitious experiments worldwide, like the Large Hadron Collider and space-based telescopes, are hunting for particles and phenomena that could shed light on both dark matter and dark energy.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What do dark matter and dark energy comprise?
Approximately 95% of the universe
Half of the cosmic structures
The visible galactic matter