Exploring Ancient Egyptian Astronomy

Ancient Egyptian Calendars
Ancient Egyptian Calendars
The ancient Egyptians created a solar calendar, the first of its kind, with 365 days divided into 12 months and three seasons, reflecting the Nile's flooding cycle.
Star Clocks Discovery
Star Clocks Discovery
Egyptian astronomers developed 'star clocks', recorded in the tomb of Rameses VI, using sets of stars called decans to measure time during night.
Great Pyramid Alignments
Great Pyramid Alignments
The Great Pyramid of Giza's sides are closely aligned to the four cardinal points, which required precise astronomical observations and has puzzled researchers for centuries.
Sothic Cycle Understanding
Sothic Cycle Understanding
Egyptians recognized the Sothic cycle, based on the heliacal rising of Sirius, integrating it to correct their calendar every 1460 years, anticipating leap years.
Decanal Stars Importance
Decanal Stars Importance
Decans were star groups that rose consecutively on the horizon every ten days. They were used not only to tell time but also to organize their religious calendar.
Sundials and Merkhets
Sundials and Merkhets
They invented sundials for day timekeeping and the merkhet, the oldest known astronomical tool, for aligning pyramids and temples at night.
Dendera Zodiac Ceiling
Dendera Zodiac Ceiling
The Dendera Temple complex boasts an ancient bas-relief known as the 'Dendera Zodiac', showcasing the Egyptians' advanced knowledge of celestial movements.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What did the Egyptian calendar reflect?
Pyramid construction phases
Nile's flooding cycle
Hunting seasons