Diamonds: Earth's Marvels and Beyond

Diamonds: Earth's Marvels
Diamonds: Earth's Marvels
Formed deep within Earth's mantle, diamonds require extreme pressures and temperatures to crystallize. They journey to the surface via volcanic eruptions, encased in kimberlite or lamproite pipes.
Ancient Stars' Gift
Ancient Stars' Gift
Diamonds are nearly as old as the Earth itself. Some have been found to be over 3 billion years old, making them silent witnesses to Earth's formative years.
Hardest Natural Substance
Hardest Natural Substance
Diamonds are renowned for their unmatched hardness. Ranking 10 on the Mohs scale, they can only be scratched by other diamonds, making them ideal for cutting tools.
Color and Rarity
Color and Rarity
While most diamonds are valued for their lack of color, rare colored diamonds exist. Colors range from blue, green, to pink and are the result of specific impurities.
Diamonds in Tech
Diamonds in Tech
Beyond jewelry, diamonds are pivotal in technology. Their thermal conductivity and electrical insulating properties make them perfect for high-performance electronics and precision cutting.
The Cosmic Diamonds
The Cosmic Diamonds
Not all diamonds are terrestrial. Some come from space, found within meteorites. This cosmic origin adds to the mystique and allure of these precious gems.
Synthetic vs. Natural
Synthetic vs. Natural
Lab-grown diamonds challenge traditional mining. They're identical in composition but more sustainable and ethical. This innovation could transform the diamond industry and our approach to luxury.
Diamond Rain
Diamond Rain
On Neptune and Uranus, it rains diamonds due to extreme pressure and temperatures, turning carbon into crystalline gems. Mascot
How do diamonds reach Earth's surface?
Through river transport
Via erupting volcanoes
By meteorite impacts