Adaptation and Resilience of Forest Ecosystems

Forests' Dynamic Equilibrium
Forests' Dynamic Equilibrium
Forests maintain a dynamic equilibrium, adjusting to environmental changes. This self-regulation can be observed in natural forest succession and responses to disturbances, ensuring long-term ecosystem stability and resilience.
Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Change Adaptation
Forests adapt to climate change by shifting their ranges. Tree species migrate to cooler areas, changing forest composition. Some tropical species could become extinct, lacking time and space to move.
Genetic Diversity's Role
Genetic Diversity's Role
Genetic diversity within forest species enhances adaptability. Trees with diverse genetic makeup can better withstand pests, diseases, and climatic extremes, promoting forest health and adaptability over time.
Hydraulic Redistribution
Hydraulic Redistribution
Root systems in forests perform 'hydraulic redistribution,' moving water from moist to dry soil layers. This nocturnal water transport supports understorey plants and bolsters forest resilience during droughts.
Symbiotic Relationships
Symbiotic Relationships
Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic associations with tree roots, enhancing nutrient and water uptake. This relationship increases forest adaptability to poor soils and environmental stresses.
Assisted Migration
Assisted Migration
Humans aid forest adaptation through 'assisted migration.' Foresters relocate species to more suitable habitats, considering climate projections. This controversial practice aims to outpace the speed of climate change.
Wildfire's Ecological Role
Wildfire's Ecological Role
Periodic wildfires can benefit forests by clearing out underbrush, thus reducing disease spread and fostering growth of fire-adapted species. Controlled burns are a tool used to mimic this natural adaptation process.
Trees Share Resources
Trees Share Resources
Through a network called the 'Wood Wide Web,' trees share nutrients and communicate distress signals, fostering communal survival. Mascot
What ensures forest resilience?
Periodic wildfires and succession
Constant climate and stable soils
Annual plant species dominance