The Tragic Story of the Titanic

The Unsinkable Ship
The Unsinkable Ship
Titanic, deemed unsinkable, was a marvel of engineering. The ship had sixteen watertight compartments; however, the collision with the iceberg opened five of them, leading to the catastrophe.
A Fatal Wrong Turn
A Fatal Wrong Turn
The Titanic might have survived if it had hit the iceberg head-on. The glancing blow caused a fatal tear across multiple compartments, sealing its fate.
Hidden Weakness: Rivet Quality
Hidden Weakness: Rivet Quality
Recent metallurgical analyses suggest that Titanic's iron rivets were of poor quality, contributing to the hull's failure when the iceberg struck, a fact not widely known at the time.
The Californian's Missed Rescue
The Californian's Missed Rescue
The nearby ship Californian, only a few miles away, did not respond to Titanic's distress signals due to a communications misunderstanding, missing a chance to save more lives.
A Deliberate Radio Silence
A Deliberate Radio Silence
The Titanic's radio operators ignored ice warnings from other ships because they were overloaded with transmitting passenger messages to Cape Race, Newfoundland, which relayed them to the mainland.
Lifeboat Shortage Myth
Lifeboat Shortage Myth
Contrary to popular belief, Titanic carried more lifeboats than legally required. The real issue was the lack of emergency training and drills, which led to chaos and underfilled boats.
Unlikely Survivor Tales
Unlikely Survivor Tales
Among remarkable survival stories, baker Charles Joughin survived the freezing waters after fortifying himself with alcohol, which he claimed helped him to stay warm and afloat until rescue.
Unopened Lifeboats Found
Unopened Lifeboats Found
Several lifeboats on Titanic were still secured and never used, despite many passengers perishing due to insufficient lifeboat capacity. Mascot
What doomed Titanic's hull integrity?
Iceberg head-on collision
High-quality steel used
Poor quality iron rivets